Sam Girard Avalanche Inside the Avs' Locker Room: Player thoughts on the Sharks Adrian Dater April 25, 2019 Avalanche Jared Bednar: Girard should be healthy for Game 1, but then what? Adrian Dater April 24, 2019 Avalanche In the clutch, J.T. stands for "Just Tremendous" Adrian Dater April 18, 2019 Avalanche A "busted play" helped win the Avs a playoff game, and might help swing the series, too Adrian Dater April 14, 2019 Avalanche Avalanche Film Room: The dagger that finished a predator AJ Haefele February 24, 2019 Avalanche "He has the potential to be a superstar": Girard at the center of excitement AJ Haefele October 5, 2018 Avalanche Avs get obliterated again in 7-0 preseason loss to Wild. Time to worry a little? Adrian Dater September 23, 2018 Avalanche Why Sam Girard's 16 extra pounds won't slow him down Adrian Dater September 17, 2018 Avalanche Avs training camp takeaways: Kaut finds his legs AJ Haefele September 16, 2018 Avalanche Avs defenseman in car accident, but team says he escaped uninjured Adrian Dater June 11, 2018 Avalanche The Good, the Bad, and the Beautiful of the Avalanche Playoff Series J.D. Killian April 24, 2018 Avalanche Morning skate notebook: Health question marks continue, and can the Hamburglar steal one? Adrian Dater April 20, 2018 Posts navigation Previous 1 … 6 7 8 Next