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Diehard Mailbag: What has to happen for Bo Nix to be the best rookie QB in the NFL with the Denver Broncos?

Zac Stevens Avatar
June 10, 2024

On the eve of the Denver Broncos mandatory minicamp this week, the DNVR Broncos Podcast dives into their mailbag to break down the biggest questions in Broncos Country.

What needs to happen for Bo Nix to be the best rookie QB in entire NFL? What can Sean Payton do to help Bo Nix?

Which former Denver Broncos safety does P.J. Locke profile the most as? Is it former Denver Broncos safety Kareem Jackson? David Bruton? Justin Simmons? Someone else?

Additionally, is Tim Patrick fully healthy from missing the past two seasons? Will and can he be back to his old self? The DNVR Broncos Podcast breaks it all down.

Leave your questions in the comment section below on this post to have them answered on next week’s mailbag! Become a Diehard here.


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