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Wes Welker planning to play in 2015, not likely in Denver.

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February 16, 2015
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Wes Welker told the Denver Post that he isn’t considering retirement, contrary to reports.

Welker told Mike Klis “Just getting ready for 2015.”

Welker is entering the 2015 offseason as a free agent and current speculation is he won’t be back in Denver. The Broncos drafted WR Cody Latimer in the second round of last years draft and are likely going to see what he is capable of along side Pro Bowlers Emmanuel Sanders and (pending franchise tag/contract extension) Demaryius Thomas.

Welker plagued by concussions, caught just 122 passes in two seasons in Denver, after catching at least 100 passes five out of the six years he spent in New England prior.


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