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#UniFortKnox: What we know, what we think we know and what we don’t know

Ryan Koenigsberg Avatar
April 30, 2015


***UPDATE*** Photos have leaked

Let’s just get this out of the way, you care about the uniforms. Even if you think you don’t care, you care.

You see, the uniforms were undoubtedly part of the allure of the Buffaloes the first time you stepped into Folsom. The pack of jet black jerseys, perfectly contrasted by the golden helmets glimmering in the Colorado sun. Ready to rush out behind Ralphie like the precious metal-rich rivers that brought people to this great state so long ago.

Yeah, you care.

When Colorado unveils their new uniforms on Friday afternoon, you want something that encompasses the rich tradition of the program, a National Championship, a Heisman Trophy winner, but you also want something that signifies the new era of Colorado football, a new coaching staff, a massive new facility, a new attitude.

So far, it seems the Buffs new look is on the right track.

What we know

Courtesy of some great work by the CU social media people, we’ve been getting a daily teaser this week, that has unveiled a few details, helping us piece together what the unis will look like little by little.


What we learned:

The Uniforms are made by Nike. Thank god, am I right?

Other than this we can’t take away much from that first photo. The debate came up on the message board over wether this is silver or white, to me it looks white, but who knows. Is the dress black or blue? It’s all the same. But it did get people talking, and anxious to see the next reveal.


What we learned:

Getting there, this is obviously a helmet, and it seems the gold is a bit darker than usual. This would be consistent with what we think we know, but we’ll get to that later.

This could be an oversized logo, but there’s not enough there to really tell. Another good job by the social media staff to give just enough away to get people talking.


What we learned:

Ah, now we’re talking, this pic has all sorts of good details.

We’ll start with my favorite detail, this picture unveils to us that the Buffs will be going back to the “Boulder” font, as Nike calls it. This is the font all of the other sports on campus are using, and the font that was used in the best CU unis of all time, in my opinion.


Next we see that the Buffs will be going with the fly-wire collar. A simple feature that Nike has been using on uniforms for a couple years now, but also a feature that instantly makes the jersey look more slick.

This means that the Buffs will not be getting the Nike “Mach Speed” uniforms that the big schools are wearing these days, but after looking at these new Michigan State Mach Speeds, that might be a good thing.

635654128424968425 michigan state uniforms 1

Next we see the CU logo featured at the base of the collar, this is one of the only times CU has done that with the jersey, the only other being when they busted out these… interesting throwbacks to honor the great Byron “Whizzer” White, against Wyoming in 2009.


Also, does that gold surrounding the CU logo match the darker gold that we saw on the helmet? Maybe, just maybe.

Finally, tough to tell with the lighting, but it seems like that swoosh isn’t white, could be gold, or even silver.


Well this one is all sorts of fun.

We’ve got our first look at a jersey number. Obviously, you’ve got gold and silver stitching, and as the tweet mentions, some sort of pattern in the number itself. To me it just looks like texture, some mentioned seeing something about the flatirons.

Then we get to the color of the jersey behind the numbers, as has been the case all week, some see silver, some see white.

Finally, we get to this little cryptic message on the tweet “#443” what does it mean?!

We thought we had solved it right off the bat when we discovered that 443 is a pantone number for a silver/gray color.

Pantone #443

But @CUBuffs immediately shot that idea down.

Then you have this genius:

I think he’s got it there, except for which elements the numbers are assigned to.

The best combination would be 4 helmets (Gold, Black, Silver, White), 4 pants (Gold, Black, Silver, White), 3 jerseys (Black, White, Silver).


With the leaked photos, we now know for sure that there will be a silver and white helmet, along with a silver jersey and silver pants.

What we think we know

Here is the information I received from a source on the uniforms back in March. As I originally posted on Buffstampede.com:

Spoke to a source that has usually been pretty spot on with the uniforms, who gave me a bunch of good stuff.

-There will be three uniform options, black, white, and silver/gray.

-Two new hemet options, white, and silver. I’m told the gold will be updated to something closer to Florida State’s gold. A little more “bold” I guess you would say. Of course, the matte blacks will still be an option too.

-The person who has seen these absolutely loved them and said they are nothing crazy, but updated, simple, and sleek.

So far, the little bit that we have seen has stayed consistent with this information.

The gold looks like it could be a little darker, a little more like that Florida State gold that we are accustomed to. (Well before they went away from it last year, only to promptly return to the original.)


From the picture revealed on Wednesday, we see that the collar is updated and the font is changed, but nothing crazy so far.

Also if the #443 means what we think it means, then that would agree with the four helmets info.


The new photos agree with both the original information we received, and the #443 theory.

What We Don’t Know

We have yet to see anything or hear anything about the design of the shoulder pads, sleeve stripes, shoulder numbers etc..

We don’t know the style of the names on the back of the jerseys, will they be outlined like the numbers, or just white like the COLORADO on the chest.

We saw a peak of the numbers, but we can’t exactly make out the exact style yet.

We don’t know the details of the pants, stripe down the side, logos anywhere?

We don’t know much about the extra helmet options, could the silver be chrome, will the white be matte, what size will the logo be?

Any any other possible surprises we may be in for.

In other words, there’s plenty more to tune in for leading up to, and including the moment when #UniFortKnox is finally opened.


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