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Ty Sambrailo's first interview with Denver media

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May 2, 2015
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Ending up with the Broncos

“Being in Colorado and being in that environment the last four and a half years just showed me how passionate a fan base it was and what a great team it would be to play for. ”

On Skiing

Growing up and ski racing forced me to teach myself to react quicker and taking what I see and being able to translate that to my feet. Trained me to react to what I see a little bit quicker.

On where he’ll be on O-line

“I think coming in, my versatility is a big reason the Broncos liked me. I want to compete at whatever position I’ll be a contributor.

On playing guard

“I have some experience at every position, coming in with a pretty open mind with what their expecting and what they want.”

Protecting Manning

“Its a lot of pressure but as a young guy coming into the league there aren’t a lot of guys you’d put above him as far as teaching.”

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