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Love and Hate with BSN Rockies Editor Drew Creasman

Drew Creasman Avatar
June 7, 2016


From time to time, it is healthy to put aside all emotion and deal with only measurable facts – data that can be tested, debated on clearly defined rules and used to create models that can deepen our understanding of a subject in a way that our eyes, hearts, and guts are incapable of. And sometimes, it is important to do the exact opposite.

Facts are great, and for the most part, I prefer to stick to them, but naturally that means I need a sanctuary for the most extreme “feelings” I get while covering the Colorado Rockies and Major League Baseball in general.

My name is Drew Creasman, I am the Managing Editor of BSN Rockies, and these are some things that I love and hate:

I hate when fans boo their own team or player for any reason other than a lack of effort or the occasional off-the-field issue. Simply failing to execute, especially in baseball, is not sufficient reason for your own fans to turn on you.

I love when fans cheer almost anything in unison. The “Rock Chalk” and “Goooooooooldberg” are among my favorites and I am a firm advocate for more singing in American professional sports a la European football.

I hate – HATE – the wave. In any context.

I love the Party Deck. Everyone should have one. Some places should probably have two.

Despite the fact that it has burned the Rockies more than their opposition thus far, I love the “Bridich Barrier” (the new wall in right-center field at Coors.)

But I hate that Trevor Story would have three more home runs without that stupid wall, making him maybe a shoe-in for the All-Star Game.

I love fans who cheer for bad teams for years – sometimes decades – just so that when the day comes, they can rub it in the faces of all the bandwagon fans.

I love bandwagon fans … but only when the team is good.

I hate broken-bat hits even when they benefit the Rockies or the Royals, my AL team. I just feel bad for the pitcher every time. Doing your job and being rewarded with failure is just a massive bummer.

But … I love broken-bat home runs. Almost as much as I love home runs on balls that bounced before making contact with the bat.

I hate the Yankees and the Dodgers. I try not to be tribal about sports anymore but I hate the Yankees and the Dodgers. And the Spurs, while we’re on the subject.

I love any athlete who succeeds despite a consensus that s/he couldn’t, most especially if there is something different about how they play the game that defies convention. Recent examples include Charlie Blackmon and, yes, Tim Tebow.

I hate that thinking Tim Tebow is a recent example makes me old.

I love cross-sport analogies but I hate when they are used during Play-by-Play. Quarterbacks don’t go for home runs. Come to think of it, nobody really “goes” for the home run ball. Well, except Mark Reynolds.

I hate weather delays but I love the stupid things fans do during them.

I love Coors Field and am happy to report that after spending a great deal of time there over the last few years, the magic has not worn off.

I don’t hate Dinger. I’m sorry.

I love the “Blake Street Bombers” and am generally pro-nickname. I wish “Coors Shield” hadn’t died just as it began to live.

And finally …

I hate the perspective that you aren’t allowed — as a fan, player, or media member — to have any fun while watching/playing for/covering a losing team. I hate any analogy that then compares those losing teams to regular jobs. If there were only 30 restaurants or office buildings in the world, you might have a case. But I love the pressure created by these unrealistic expectations that forces athletes to do things that we, and sometimes even they, thought were impossible.



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