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Javonte Williams clears yet another major hurdle well ahead of schedule

Zac Stevens Avatar
July 27, 2023

ENGLEWOOD, Colo. — When Javonte Williams tore his ACL, LCL and PCL on Oct. 2, 2022 in Week 4 against the Las Vegas Raiders, the doctors told him his recovery from the brutal injury would be a year to 18 months.

On Wednesday, less than 10 months after suffering the devastating injury, the third-year running back took the field for the first practice of training camp.

Christmas came months early for Williams, Sean Payton and the Denver Broncos.

Not only has Williams’ remarkable recovery surprised everyone outside of the Centura Health Training Center, it even has surprised the man himself.

“It was a surprise to me, just hearing the doctors, seeing what everybody was saying about me, things like that,” the 220-pound running back said after Thursday’s practice. “The doctor told me if I would have had a little bit more damage it could have been even longer timeline. Just being back out here, like I said, is a huge confidence boost. I was down on myself a lit. But I’m seeing the brighter side now.”

Williams has cleared many hurdles over the past week. He wasn’t placed on the physically unable to perform (PUP) list to start training camp. He participated in the team’s first two practices of camp. And it was reveled on Thursday that the former second-round running back has passed yet another major milestone.

The bulldozing back has been cleared for contact.

That means when the Broncos put on pads for the first time in camp on Monday, Williams will be able to participate.

When asked if he plans to run with the same “violent intentions” that he has his first two years in the NFL, Williams said, with a smile, “That’s the plan.”

The third-year back will let the coaches and medical staff decides if he plays in the preseason and when he’s ready for a full workload, but watching him on the field, it doesn’t appear there are any major limitations.

In fact, Williams speed is in the “same ballpark” as where it was last year before he suffered the injury.

Williams isn’t concerned about the physical part of the injury. And he’s making great progress on the mental part of coming back as well.

“I feel like the biggest part is just being mentally focused and strong and having confidence,” Williams explained. “Everyday that I’m coming out and practicing and I’m planting — once I start practice, I just forget about it. I’m just out there running again. I mean, that’s a huge confidence boost for me.”

His confidence grew even more following the Broncos’ first training camp practice on Wednesday and is getting more and more comfortable each day. In fact, his confidence is the “highest it’s ever been,” he stated confidently on Thursday.

The human bowling ball was able to pinpoint his remarkable comeback to one specific thing.

“I really think back squats was something that really helped me a lot,” Williams stated. “Just getting me back in the weight room and strengthening my knee. I think that’s really one of the biggest things that got me back early.”

Javonte realized a few months ago that he was ahead of schedule when he started to “hit his numbers” while running and in the weight room.

“I might be a little bit earlier,” he reveled on Thursday.

Javonte wasn’t “a little bit earlier” in his recovery.

He was and is light-years ahead of his initial diagnosis.

Sean Payton credits Williams incredible work ethic for his remarkable recovery. Williams credits back squats.


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