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DNVR Denver Nuggets Preview: How much does Paul Millsap have left?

Harrison Wind Avatar
September 25, 2019
screen shot 2019 09 25 at 10.48.59 am

As the elder statesmen of the Nuggets’ locker room last season, Paul Millsap’s B.D.E. (Big Dad Energy) was constantly flowing, and it will again this year as Denver returns what will again be a very young rotation. So will Millsap’s role change at all this season? Brendan Vogt and Harrison Wind discuss what went right for Millsap last year, what his numbers could look like in a season where his playing time may be reduced, and if this is Millsap’s final go-around with the Nuggets.

Click here for more of DNVR’s Denver Nuggets Preview series.


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