Diehard Mailbag: Does Bo Nix have a crucial trait for Sean Payton & the Denver Broncos that Russell Wilson didn’t?

Zac Stevens Avatar
July 1, 2024

Does Bo Nix have a crucial trait for Sean Payton & the Denver Broncos that Russell Wilson struggled with?

Or is it too early to tell if Bo Nix possesses elite ability to process play calls and checks at the line of scrimmage? How crucial will this be to Bo Nix’s success with Sean Payton and the Denver Broncos?

Also, will Vance Joseph‘s defense consider changing to a 4-3 defense instead of the 3-4 defense with the moves they’ve made this offseason, most notably by trading with the New York Jets for John Franklin-Myers?

The DNVR Broncos Podcast discusses on the DNVR Broncos mailbag.

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