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Credit Peyton’s doubters for improvement VS Packers

Colin Daniels Avatar
November 3, 2015
Peyton Manning 2


Southstands-badge-new“I just don’t give what you all say that much merit” – Peyton Manning

Peyton Manning looked as cool as a cucumber in his post-game press conference following the 29-10 drubbing the Broncos put on the Packers on Sunday night. His bravado was as tuned as ever. He had looked almost as confident during the game itself, tossing for over 300 yards and finally seemingly having found some rhythm in a hybrid Kubiak offense. His body language both during the contest and after was as encouraging as it had been all season and the trademark smirk he wore seemed to say to his critics “I told you so”.

Manning would love for you (and for the media) to believe that he doesn’t pay his critics any mind but there’s not a soul that believes it. Fact is, number eighteen is as aware as any pro athlete of the barbs that the media tosses his way both locally and nationally. When luminaries like Mike Florio of Pro Football Talk and Brian Baldinger of NFL Network use their pulpits to say that the Broncos should bench the Hall of Fame QB in favor of unproven Brock Osweiler you had better believe he’s aware of it. He is motivated by it.

Nobody ever thought for a second that the Broncos were going to bench Peyton Manning but the mere suggestion undoubtedly lit a fire in the veteran. Still, despite the huge win against the favored Packers, Manning managed once again not to toss a touchdown pass. He did add an interception to his season total, though. He now has eleven of those to only seven TD passes. His passer rating of 75.1 remains one of the lowest in the NFL, worse even than that of Colin Kaepernick who it was announced this week will be benched by the ‘Niners moving forward.
One decent game does not a great season make.

Even though the Broncos are undefeated, seem to have the offense on track and have the addition of Vernon Davis to look forward to, it’s important that Manning’s detractors keep a foot on the gas pedal. This is no time to get complacent. After all, it’s during the post-season when we normally see the softer side of Manning. Jumping back on the old man’s bandwagon now it only tempting fate.

Even if you disagree with them, Credit Manning’s doubters at least partially for the improvement we saw versus Green Bay and hope that they continue to question whether the old man can get the Broncos over the hump. Because so long as people are saying that he can’t get it done Manning will have a reason to make them eat their words. And, as a Manning truther myself, I will gladly feast on phrases to long as it means the Broncos win the Super Bowl.


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