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BSN Ten presented by Blake Street Tavern: The Menace

Jake Shapiro Avatar
December 25, 2016
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BST-Happy-Hour-AdThe BSN Ten presented by the Blake Street Tavern is back for another riveting edition. This time Colorado Buffaloes lineman Samson Kafovalu stands no chance at answering the rigorous questionnaire we throw his way, stands no chance of answering without having a good time that is.

The senior from Riverside, Calif., has been key on the defensive linen 2016. Recording 48 tackles across 13 games started and 631 snaps on defense, he was a menace up front. Over the course of his career he has recored 9.5 quarterback sacks.

Kafovalu has been a key contributor since his true freshman year at CU and successful moved from inside to outside on the line. He’s quietly one of the smarter guys on the Buffs and we got to know how.

The BSN Ten, featuring Samson Kafovalu:


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