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BSN Media Podcast: Troy Renck makes the big jump to the small screen

Ryan Koenigsberg Avatar
July 29, 2016
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Troy Renck is the definition of a grinder. From Pueblo to Boulder to the National stage, all he ever did was grind away and cover his beat with the one rule, he wasn’t gonna let anyone out-hustle him.

Troy’s the first person on this Podcast to change jobs just days before talking to us. Following in the footsteps of his former colleague Mike Klis, he jumps from the Denver Post to Channel 7 to serve as their “Broncos Insider.”

For the first time in a media podcast, we get a cameo from Troy’s new colleague, Lionel Bienvenue who barges in, but offers kind words of encouragement for one of the nicest guys in the sports media business.

The BSN Media Podcast, with Troy Renck:



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