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What is NFL saying about Kevin Pierre-Louis: Insight from trainer Kerry Bennett

Andre Simone Avatar
April 22, 2016
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Earlier this morning Kerry Bennett, Kevin Pierre-Louis’ trainer, took time out of his busy day working with KPL, Cal tight end Stephen Anderson, Texas receiver Marcus Johnson and others to talk about one of the most entertaining “Next Level Rams.” We at BSN were much appreciative of his time, as we needed an outside opinion on a “what are they saying” piece for KPL, as the national Draft analysts have been sleeping on him and there’s virtually zero coverage or scouting reports out there in newsstands or on the web.

Unlike our other “what are they saying” Bennett has an intimate knowledge of the player and has worked and coached him throughout the offseason. This gives us a unique and insightful look into the player, in addition to his NFL prospects and what he’s hearing from NFL teams.

Bennett first relayed that currently Kevin is recovering from a foot injury he suffered during the Rams Pro Day. “Kevin, had a little setback with a foot injury, so we’re working on running again and getting him back in condition and football shape,” he explained. Bennett also said the recovery is going well and KPL is looking in good shape and should be fully ready to go for an NFL camp.

Bennett is very high on the Rams strong safety and gave a ringing scouting report, saying, “He’s a prototypical ball hawk, he’s going to get there fast, he’s going to make receivers think twice about catching the ball over the middle,” Bennett explained. “He plays faster than he clocks. I think he gets to the ball very well. He supports well in the run game, can make the tackle not a problem with that.

“As far as his weakness he needs to work on getting the ball [his ball skills not just knocking the ball down] or making the hit. Some of the coaching [in the NFL] will help him get to the ball.”

When asked about Pierre-Louis’ ability to turn and run (in coverage) with NFL receivers and tight ends Bennett had the utmost confidence in his client.

“I don’t think he’ll have a problem with that at all, he’s worked on that, his hip mobility his foot placement, his speed,” Bennett said. “That’s definitely improved a lot”

We went on to talk about KPL’s training and his ceiling as an NFL player. Bennett compared KPL to two of the league’s best safeties.

“I think he can go as far as he really wants to, I can definitely see him being a starter,” the trainer and former NFL player said. “I think right now he could have an impact on special teams [Bennett was bullish about KPL’s potential in this area and his voice raised and got excited at this point]. I definitely see him be able to be a starter in the NFL, no doubt. He’s a combination of Earl Thomas and Kam Chancellor, he’s not big like Kam and he’s probably not fast like Earl but he’s really talented.”

Bennett’s final scouting assessment came when asked if there was anything he wanted to add about Pierre-Louis, something that maybe most people don’t know about him. The answer was  interesting and a true testament to one of KPL’s greatest strengths.

“One thing that I want you to know man, is that he’s a hard nosed, hard work ethic kind of guy,” Bennett explained. “He’s not gonna shy away from work, he’s gonna stay after he’s gonna work hard. That’s one of his biggest characteristics, he grinds and he accomplishes everything he needs to. Whatever they say his weakness is, he’s going to make it his strength, that’s one of his biggest things I never had to worry about him not getting something, because I knew if he didn’t get it at first, he’d work on it until he got it right.”

Bennett has been working with KPL on several different things, and particularly focusing on technique and skills that will make the safety more efficient in coverage.

“Things we’ve been going over is basic defensive schemes, and how to read and react. He’s had the opportunity to come in and work with NFL receivers and cover. We’ve worked on his mechanics and made sure that there’s no wasted movement in his technique. Even if he’s not a blazer we make sure that none of his movement is wasted. We work on his mobility to get in position.

“As far as coverage we stick to the basics right now,” Bennett continued. “We’re just not gonna put him in one spot (training for only one position FS or SS or one type of defensive scheme), working on all base defensive formations. Just overall he can improve his mechanics, he doesn’t have to take any false steps.”

Bennett worked with Pierre-Louis before his Pro Day and explained that his whole camp was satisfied with their player’s performance. “It was very good, we knew when he came in that he’d be fine. Man, I knew the way he worked the way he did everything we asked. That’s one of his best traits is he’s going to keep working until he feels like he has it.”

While the national Draft media is still sleeping on KPL, the NFL seems to have taken notice. His agent told us that four different teams have met with and shown serious interest in Pierre-Louis. “The Cowboys, the Cardinals, Texans, hearing a bit from the Jets,” as well as several other teams who’ve checked in on Kevin’s latest medical recovery.

Bennett’s interactions with NFL teams and what they’re looking for from him have also sounded encouraging. “From what I’ve heard from the teams that have contacted him and come to visit, they’re looking for an aggressive guy, someone who’s gonna go to the ball and make players and make receivers think twice about whether they can catch the ball over the middle. [all things that KPL fits perfectly] I think he has a chance of getting drafted.” His agent was also bullish about his chances,  adding that if Kevin didn’t get drafted he would certainly get a good chance as a priority undrafted free agent.

Bennett is just as amazed by the lack of media coverage as most of Rams Nation must be, but ultimately said, “I know his tape and his game speaks for itself and I know the scouts won’t miss that.”


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