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The Broncos won the Super Bowl so I drank my own pee

Colin Daniels Avatar
March 9, 2016
rsz pee


Southstands-badge-newA wager is a wager and I am a man of my word.

The Broncos held up their end of the deal so I held up a glass of my own urine – on ice in an 8oz rocks glass – and chased it with whiskey.

I first placed the bet prior to the 2014 season and re-upped it before the 2015 season. My pal Captain Bronco even pitched in, offering to drink his own pee if any team other than the Broncos took the big prize.

Captain Bronco took the field but I took the punishment. Truth be told, it really wasn’t all that bad. You can hear audio of the whole thing  on show 222 of the famous South Stands Denver Fancast.



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