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Free-land-fo-fum! Kyle grounds Giants, Rockies sweep

Jake Shapiro Avatar
April 23, 2017
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DENVER – Fee-fi-fo-fum! I smell the blood of a San Francisco manBe he alive, or be he dead, I’ll grind his bones to make my bread.

As the Padres and Dodgers looked on and turned a tearful eye to their 2017 hopes, one told the other, “We worry Mr. Manfred. The Rockies won’t be back.”

The Colorado Rockies have feared nothing in 2017, not Giant or Dodger alike. With this attitude in right, they haven’t been pushed around by anyone, seeing as they’ve been full of fight.

Now at 13-6 following a dominant showing from Kyle Freeland as he absolutely grounded the Giants into 12 ground ball outs, it’s clear that the Rockies are headed skyward this season with their 8-0 shutout of the San Francisco Giants. Freeland not only kept the Giant outs on the ground, all but two of their hits were floored as well. He also sawed off three bats and struck out three in a fine fourth big league start.

The Rockies planted the bean on the Giants quick. A leadoff triple by the bearded one, Charlie Blackmon, led to an easy sacrifice fly for Nolan Arenado who grew the Rockies lead to 1-0.

They were back at in the fourth. Following Freeland’s first baserunner surrendered in the top half which he quickly got out of a walk to Carlos Gonzalez would start some damage for Jeff Samardizja. Gerardo Parra took one for a 395-foot ride and the Rockies were ahead 3-0 on his blast.

Freeland would work this was around two two-out hits in both the fifth and sixth innings, slaying two Giant rally opportunities.

This gave the Denver Nine the momentum needed for the big inning which they got in the bottom half of the sixth. Knocking out Samardizja and rallying off five runs on four hits a walk and a hit by a pitch. Parra drove in one on a single, Trevor Story two on a single and Blackmon two more on a double.

Once again in the seventh two baserunners got on against Freeland, but he’d work out of it. The extra pitches cost him the chance to go for a complete game in the contest but his effort was still phenomenal nonetheless. He got a standing ovation from 42 thousand of his fellow Coloradans as he walked off the mound. Freeland’s final line: 7 IP, 6 H, 0 R, 1 BB, 3 K, 93 pitches, 57 strikes.

Scott Oberg and Chris Rusin shut it down for the Rockies as they recored their second shutout of the season, two in as many weeks against the Bay Area baseballers.

Are the Rockies as pretty as the new purple? My guess is yes!


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