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DNVR Rugby Podcast: A Conversation With RugbyTown Crossover Academy Manager Peter Pasque

Colton Strickler Avatar
October 30, 2020
DNVR 3000x3000 64

Colton Strickler jumps into the show with ‘The Breakdown’ by talking about former Raptor Robbie Petzer signing with the Dallas Jackals for 2021 before telling you about all of the rugby you can watch this weekend (it’s a lot). After ‘The Breakdown’, Colton talks RugbyTown Crossover Academy manager Peter Pasque about his role in building the program, how they’ve gone about finding players, and the ultimate goal for the program. After the interview, Colton assigns some ‘Required Reading and closes the show with ‘The Loop.’

2020Raptors websiteheadshots STAFF PeterPasque
Peter Pasque (Photo courtesy of Colorado Raptors Rugby.)

Peter Pasque is Glendale’s rugby manager and the manager of the RugbyTown Crossover Academy. He helped managed the Raptors during their time in Major League Rugby and has spearheaded their recruiting efforts over the last few seasons.

Please send in any questions you have about rugby in Colorado, Major League Rugby, or American rugby as a whole to @DNVR_Rugby and @coltonstrickler on Twitter.

DON’T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE POD! iTunes link – Stitcher Link – Spotify Link


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