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CSU basketball players take to Twitter following NIT loss

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March 19, 2015

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_bunyad_ads] [/vc_bunyad_ads][vc_column_text]Twitter is a cool thing. Twitter can give everyone a voice to the public, and for athletes, to the fans.

After the Colorado State men’s basketball team lost in the first round of the National Invitation Tournament last night, us media stiffs waited for players and post game quotes. We asked for J.J. Avila, Daniel Bejarano and Stanton Kidd, three seniors and the undoubted stars of this 2014-15 team, and they took a few minutes to answer our questions.

Mostly. Avila was so shaken up emotionally he sat there with his head hunched down and answered his one question with a “Yeah.” and a mumble. Who could blame the kid? Avila was the best scorer, best passer and best player on this school-record making squad. His injury in the Mountain West Tournament’s second round and rest during the third was partly why CSU lost to San Diego State and subsequently fell out of the good graces of the NCAA Tournament selection committee.

And while we got solid quotes from Bejarano and Kidd, we simply can’t talk to every player post game.

That’s where Twitter comes in. Here’s a look at how the three superb seniors and other teammates thanked one another and Ram fans in the hours following the loss:

This one, from Bernard Blake, a great cornerback with CSU Football for the last four years. He was at the game:



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